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Stötta vid abort – ny nisch för gravidcoacher
"Att ha en doula med sig under förlossningen blir allt vanligare – och nu finns det även vid aborter...Kvinnorna bakom Din Gravidcoach och podden ”Fullvidgat podcast”: Malin Mejstad, Anna Tallwe och Aniara Jönsson-Lagergren. Företaget är det största i branschen i södra Sverige.."
Aniaras egen mamma var barnmorska när hon födde – tog emot sina barnbarn
"Aniara har fött två barn, och båda gångerna har hennes egen mamma varit med som barnmorska och tagit emot barnbarnen. Dottern Signe föddes hemma i egna sängen, och sonen Manne i en förlossningspool.
– Tack mamma, för att du fanns där när jag själv föddes som mamma för första gången. För att du också var min barnmorska, när Signe blev storasyster och Manne simmade ut och in i vår familj."
The twin pod
What do you mean harmless pain?
Förlossningspodden, 102, 31 jan 2018
In today's episode of the Maternity Podcast, I am visited by the pregnancy coach, doula and behavioural scientist Anna. Who, in addition to their own births, straighten out question marks about pain and how we deal with it.
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Swedish Radio P4 January 10, 2017
Anna Tallwe is a doula and is involved in creating security and continuity for the parents during pregnancy, during childbirth and into parenthood. She works both at home and in hospitals. “At home, the parents decide themselves who will be involved. At the hospital, you cannot decide as much”, says Anna Tallwe.
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New method against the fear of childbirth
Sydnytt 24 May 2013
About 20 per cent of all pregnant women experience some form of fear of childbirth. But now there is the method of Confident Birth in Skåne, which will provide a positive birth experience. “Anna and Kasper Lejon have a son who is four weeks old. When Anna found out that she was pregnant, she felt a little worried and uncomfortable about how it would go when she would give birth.”
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Why Pregnancy Radio for Pregnant Women
Sydsvenskan 20 September 2013
Anna Tallwe, who broadcasts your pregnancy radio on the web.
- The idea came as a reaction to the fact that those who are pregnant today receive less and less regional support. Both they and their husbands become increasingly vulnerable, which can also lead to the baby sometimes not getting a good start in life. The purpose of the radio broadcasts is for pregnant women who are worried or scared to feel that "it is possible for me to have my dream birth".
"Being pregnant is not a homogeneous group"
The local newspaper Mellanskåne 12 December 2013
HEAR. In connection with the stressful existence of maternity care receiving media attention, pregnancy coach Anna Tallwe got an idea. During the autumn, she has broadcast pregnancy radio seven times in order to reduce stress for pregnant women.
Anna will provide support to expectant parents
Skå 2 January 2013
HEAR. In her newly started company "Motherly", Anna Tallwe will prepare expectant parents for the birth through conversational support and mental exercises.
- Everything is very medical today, but there is a big psychological factor when giving birth, she says.